Data Capital

by Kirsten Rulf

Insights On Smart Data Governance as a Critical Factor for Business Success.

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About Us.

A Project By Kirsten Rulf During her Yale World Fellowship 2022.

I have 9+ years of professional experience in digital and emerging technologies, from Harvard University to the startup scene of Tel Aviv to the Federal Chancellery of Germany and now at Yale University. Everything in my field of expertise begins and ends with data. For the coming months, while at Yale, I am uniquely positioned to put my proficiency into exploring what makes some companies and business models more successful in the data economy than others.

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The Project.

Rethinking Data Governance for Businesses.

Globally, the economically most successful public companies over the past decade are almost exclusively companies whose business models are based on smart data governance, innovative data use, and innovations in data storage, anonymization, or monetarization. There is no sign that this trend is slowing down. Our goal is to find out, apart from regulation, what economic incentives might induce companies to set up smart data governance and innovative data use? How can we actually measure the impact of good data governance on a company’s economic success? What structural changes in corporate governance are potentially advantageous? What barriers exist, either in the mindset of managers or in regulation? What is so different in European companies when it comes to innovative data governance that for the most part makes them lag behind other parts of the world?

In our Blogposts we offer original insights and analysis. Our assessments are based on our interviews with business leaders in the U.S. and Europe as well as leading experts from academia, government, and civil society.

In our Data Capital 101s we collect and summarize existing information and research on the topic. In addition, prominent guest bloggers explain key concepts.

With our own Data Capital Survey we aim to improve our understanding of the status quo of German corporations and SMEs with regard to the use of data and data governance programs.

Gaining Insights Along Three Dimensions:

Blog & 101s

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